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There have been many who have documented the journey of AIM since its beginnings, and we are happy to share some of their journeys here!  Teachers, Pre-service Teachers, and Teaching Artists have reflected upon their experiences, and we share those stories here, as we are able.  We are proud and inspired by work of Arts Integration Menomonie- a team of many who have dared to dream together. 

I remember those first steps on the journey to what is now AIM; and I have been fortunate to not have to take those steps alone.  There are many of us on the AIM journey, and we hope you will join us, too.  It only takes a dreamer who believes in the power of the arts to make meaningful instructional and educational experiences. AIM wholeheartedly values and celebrates teachers for their commitment to children in the noblest of professions, teaching.  YOU are the heart of education.  WE THANK YOU. 

Peace and Joy In and Through the Arts,

Tami Rae Weiss, PhD
Executive Director for AIM