Menomonie students, teachers make art with children in Botswana
LONG-DISTANCE CONNECTION. Menomonie children connect with children in Botswana via Skype during a PAINT International art session at the Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts. At right is Megan Steinkraus, PAINT coordinator, Menomonie elementary art teacher and UW-Stout alumna.
Arts Integration Menomonie is going outside of Menomonie – actually outside of the country – to bring new art experiences to children in the Menomonie school district.
This fall, AIM is hosting PAINT International on Saturdays at the Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts. PAINT stands for Program for Arts Integration for New Teachers.
Each Saturday morning, local children from kindergarten through fifth grade create art under the direction of two UW-Stout art education students, Molly Brion, of Cameron, and Gabrielle Conway, of Rochester, Minnesota. UW-Stout alumni mentor the UW-Stout students.
During the sessions, the children connect via Skype with children in Letlhakeng, Botswana, Africa, who are working on the same art projects. The children renew friendships each week and compare their art.